======PPro8 Chart Window====== Use the PPro8 Chart Window tool to display charts that can help with trading decisions. =====Open a Chart Window===== 1. On the PPro8 toolbar, click **ChartWindow**. {{ :cw_001.png?nolink |}} 2. An empty **Chart Window** appears. {{ :cw_002.png?nolink |}} =====Chart Window components===== {{ :cw_003_componenets.png?nolink |}} A. Symbol Box: type the symbol (for example, BB), press **Tab**, click the market extension (for example, TO), and press **Enter** to load the chart. B. Time Interval: click to open the **Chart Interval** window, and type in values to set the time interval. * Select your value of time and time interval directly from Chart Window. * Click the clock icon to open the Chart Interval window, and type in values to set the time interval. **Note:** Minute and Hour bar charts go back historically for a maximum of 60 days. {{ :cw_ci_001.png?nolink | |}} C. Chart Type: click the option for the type of chart you want to draw, either Candle Stick, OHLC Bar, or Long/Short Line. D. Cursor button: click either **NormalMouseMode** or **CrossCursor** to either add or remove a coordinate system to the cursor to help read time and price information. {{ :ch_win_005.png?nolink |}} E. Zoom In/Zoom Out/Zoom Reset: click the appropriate button to zoom in or zoom out and view a specific interval movement. Zoom can also be achieved by using Ctrl + Mouse Wheel Up/Down. F. Data Editor: manually change the data that displays in the Chart Window. When a bad print appears in the __[[time sales tool|Time of Sales]]__ window, it triggers a visible, incorrect change in price or volume in the Chart Window for a specific minute. You can set the Cursor to **CrossCursor** to identify the minute when there is a bar that needs to change. To make this change, open the Data Editor, type the correct value, click **OK**, and the Chart Window updates. {{ :ch_win_006.png?nolink |}} G. Add Symbol: click to open the **Chart Window Customization: Multiple Symbols** view, where you can add or remove multiple symbols for comparison in the Chart Window. H. Drawing Tools: use the drawing tools to draw elements like lines and shapes, and to add text notes, as follows: * click **DrawSegmentedLine** to draw a segmented line * click **DrawExtendedLine** to draw an extended line * click **DrawHorizontalLine** to draw a horizontal line * click **DrawVerticalLine** to draw a vertical line * click **Draw Polygon** to draw a polygon * click **Draw Ellipse** to draw an ellipse * click **InsertText**, and then type to insert text * click **Draw Fibonacci Retracement** to draw Fibonacci retracement lines * to edit a drawing element, right-click it, point to the element name (for example, Ellipse), point to **Edit**, and then select editing options * to move a drawing element, **Ctrl + click** it and drag it * to delete a drawing element, right-click it, point to the element name, and then click **Remove** * to save lines, drawings, and text elements to the Chart Window, click the **Save Layout** button {{save_button.png?nolink}} on the PPro8 toolbar; this will keep your drawn elements displayed in that particular Chart Window instance, even when you switch to view other stocks * click **Draw Measuring Shape** to draw a rectangle **Note:** These tools will only display lines of the same time unit that they are created in e.g. any mark(s) created while using //minute// as the unit of time will not display when you shift your unit of time to to //hour//, //day// etc. You can change the time unit by accessing the **Chart Interval** window. {{ :ch_win_007.png?nolink |}} I. OHLC Titlebar: view daily values, including opening price, high price, low price, yesterday's closing price, and volume. J. OHLC Info: view the symbol’s Open Price, High Price, Low Price, and Closing Price, as well as Volume, for the trading day. =====Add a symbol to an existing symbol list===== You can use Chart Window to add a currently registered symbol to an existing symbol list. This new feature integrates seamlessly with the __[[symbol_list_editor_tool|Symbol List Editor]]__ tool, as well as Stock Window, Time of Sales, and Summary. 1. Right-click anywhere in the **Chart Window** to open the context menu. {{sym_con_cw_001.png?nolink}} 2. Point to the **Add Symbol to Symbol List** menu item. {{sym_con_cw_002.png?nolink}} 3. The **Currently Selected Symbol List** view appears. Click **[Select A List]** to choose the symbol list where you want to add the current symbol, and then click the **Add Symbol** button. 4. The symbol is added to the symbol list. 5. To remove a symbol from the list, you will need to open the Symbol List Editor tool and delete it there. For more information, you can read the __[[symbol_list_editor_tool|Symbol List Editor]]__ manual. =====Send order from Chart Window===== You can send orders when Chart Window is open and on Top. To use this function, enable the Order Edit Box feature in Customization, and then follow these steps. 1. Set up keyboard shortcuts with __[[keyboard setup tool|Keyboard Setup]]__. 2. Open a new **Chart Window**. 3. Type the symbol and market extension, and then press **Enter**. 4. Type a keyboard shortcut. 5. The order edit box appears. 6. Edit the order (type values in the **Limit Price** and **Shares** fields as needed), and then press **Enter** to execute. 7. The order is sent from the **Chart Window**. **Note:** click __[[save layout tool|SaveLayout]]__ on the PPro8 toolbar to make the order edit box remember its position on the screen when re-opened again. =====Chart Window Customization===== To make changes to the Chart Window settings, right-click anywhere in the **Chart Window**, and then click the **Customization Dialog** menu item to open the **Chart Window Customization** window. This window displays three main tabs on the left: **Display**, **Indicators**, and **Multiple Symbols**. **Note:** a symbol must be loaded in the Chart Window before you can open Customization. {{ :cw_009.png?nolink |}} ====Adding & Moving Text==== You can add notes and text to your chart window by clicking {{:cw_am_text_icon.png |}} from the menu bar. This text can be placed anywhere, and moved by holding **Control**, selecting any text box with your cursor, and repositioning it as desired. ====Autcomplete==== This feature allows PPro8 to provide a list of available symbols starting with a certain string pattern after you have entered at least one character into the Chart Window. 1. Right click on the Chart Window, and select "**Customization Dialog**." {{ :cw_ac_01.png |}} 2. Select the “Display” tab in the left hand menu **and** select the “MenuBar” tab at the bottom. {{ :cw_ac_02.png |}} 3. Ensure that “**Autocomplete Symbol**” is in the “**Selected Items**” column. If it’s placed in the Unselected Items, then please select “Autocomplete Symbol” and then press then press “**>**” to move the item. {{ :cw_ac_03.png |}} 4. Next, press “**Apply**” and then “**OK**.” 5. Once completed you will see a new button in the Chart Window called “**Autocomplete Symbol**.” {{ :cw_ac_04.png |}} 6. Press this button **once** to enable this option. Press it again to disable this option. ====Display==== Use the Display window to adjust the display settings for the Chart Window. * Click the **Display** tab to open the **Display** window. The Display window contains five sub-tabs: Common Settings, Font, Menu Bars, Chart Data, and Size. ===Common Settings=== Use the Common Settings window to adjust color and layout settings for the Chart Window. 1. Click the **Common Settings** sub-tab in the **Display** window. 2. The **Common Settings** window appears. {{ :cw_009b.png?nolink |}} **A. Set tick color** 1. In the **Common Settings** window, double-click the color box for either of the three options (**Up Color**, **Down Color**, or **Neutral Color**). {{ :cw_014.png?nolink |}} 2. The **Color Selector** window appears. Click a color, and then click **OK**. 3. In the **Customization** window, click **OK**. 4. The tick color is set. **B. Adjust trading activity mark settings** 1. In the **Common Settings** window, select or clear the check boxes for the **Display** and the **Display Execution** options to hide or display them. 2. Double-click the color box for either of the three color options (**Buy Order Color**, **Sell Order Color**, or **Short Sell Order Color**). 3. The **Color Selector** window appears. Click a color, and then click **OK**. 4. In the **Customization** window, click **OK**. 5. The trading activity mark options are set. **C. Display or hide the OHLC Window** * Select or clear the check box for the **Ohlc Window** display option to show or hide the **OHLC Window**. * To change the text colour, please press on the colour swatch next to “Text” and select your preferred colour * To change the background colour, please press on the colour swatch next to “Background” and select your preferred colour. **D. Adjust Chart Title settings** 1. In the **ChartTitle** section, select or clear the check box for the **Display Chart Window**, the **Display Percentage Change**, or the **Display Absolute Change** option to show or hide the title of the chart (i.e., the symbol name), the percentage change in price, or the absolute change in price. 2. Move the **WindowSize** slider to the left or to the right to adjust the size of the chart title. 3. Double-click the color box for either of the two color options (**Text Color** or **Background Color**). 4. The **Color Selector** window appears. Click a color, and then click **OK**. 5. In the **Customization** window, click **OK**. 6. The chart title options are set. **E. Enable or disable the Order Edit Box** * Select or clear the check box for the **Enable** option to enable or disable the Order Edit Box feature in the Chart Window. **Adjust View settings** **F. Set Chart Window background color** 1. In the **View** section, double-click the color box for **Background color**. 2. The **Color Selector** window appears. Click a color, and then click **OK**. 3. In the **Customization** window, click **OK**. 4. The background color is set. **F. Set Vertical Scaling** 1. In the **Vertical Scaling** section, click the **Manual** or **Auto** option to set vertical scaling to manual or automatic. 2. In the **Customization** window, click **OK**. 3. The vertical scaling is set. When vertical scaling is set to manual, clicking and dragging the vertical axis up or down changes the scale. **G. Set Grid Lines** 1. In the **GridLines** section, select or clear the **Display** check box to show or hide grid lines. 2. Double-click the color box, click a color, and then click **OK**. 3. Click the grid style you want to set in the **Style** menu. 4. In the **Customization** window, click **OK**. 5. The grid lines are set. **H. Set Vertical Axis** 1. In the **Vertical Axis** section, double-click the color box, click a color, and then click **OK**. 2. In the **Layout** menu, click **Left**, **Right**, or **Both**. 3. In the **Value Label** subsection, * select or clear the **Display** check box to show or hide the value label; * double-click the color box for **Text Color**, click a color, and then click **OK**; * double-click the color box for **Background Color**, click a color, and then click **OK**. 4. In the **Customization** window, click **OK**. 5. The vertical axis is set. **I. Set Cross Hair Cursor** 1. In the Cross Hair Cursor section, * double-click the **Color** box, click a color, and then click **OK**; * click the cross hair cursor style you want to set in the **Style** menu; * select or clear the **Sync on View** check box to sync or unsync. 2. In the **Value Label** subsection, * select or clear the **Display** check box to show or hide the value label; * double-click the color box for **Text Color**, click a color, and then click **OK**; * double-click the color box for **Background Color**, click a color, and then click **OK**. 3. In the **Customization** window, click **OK**. 4. The cross hair cursor is set. **J. Set Horizontal Axis** 1. In the **Horizontal Axis** section, double-click the color box, click a color, and then click **OK**. 2. In the **Value Label** subsection, * select or clear the **Display** check box to show or hide the value label; * double-click the color box for **Text Color**, click a color, and then click **OK**; * double-click the color box for **Background Color**, click a color, and then click **OK**. 3. In the **Customization** window, click **OK**. 4. The horizontal axis is set. **K. Adjust BidAsk Label settings** * Select or clear the **DisplayInOhlcWindow** check box to show or hide the BidAsk label in the OHLC window * Select or clear the **DisplayOnAxis** check box to show or hide the BidAsk label on the vertical axis of the chart **L. Link Chart Window to a group** * If this option is selected, the Chart Window is grouped by number with other tools, such as the Stock Window and the TOS Window. Other windows in the window group of the same number change their symbol to correspond to the symbol in the Chart Window. * **New:** managers, you can now link the Chart Window to Summary to see trading activity for your traders ===Font=== Use the Font window to set the overall font for the Chart Window. 1. Click the **Font** sub-tab. {{ :cw_051.png?nolink |}} 2. The **Font** window appears. {{ :cw_052.png?nolink |}} **Set a font for the Chart Window** 1. In the **Font** window, double-click the color box for **Text Color**, click a color, and then click **OK**. 2. Click **Set Font...**. 3. The **Select Font** window appears. 4. Click the font, font style, size, effects, and writing system you want to set. 5. Click **OK**. 6. In the **Customization** window, click **OK**. 7. The font is set. ===Menu Bar=== Use the Menu Bar window to show or hide icons from the menu bar in the Chart Window. 1. Click the **Menu Bar** sub-tab. {{ :cw_059.png?nolink |}} 2. The **Menu Bar** window appears. {{ :cw_060.png?nolink |}} **Show an item in the Chart Window** 1. In the **Menu Bar** window, click an item in the **Unselected items** window. 2. Click the right arrow to move the item to the **Selected items** list. 3. In the **Customization** window, click **OK**. 4. The item appears in the **Chart Window**. **Hide an item from the Chart Window** 1. In the **Menu Bar** window, click an item in the **Selected items** list. 2. Click the left arrow to move the item to the **Unselected items** list. 3. In the **Customization** window, click **OK**. 4. The item is hidden from the **Chart Window**. ===Chart Data=== Use the Chart Data window to clear data from the Chart Window, and to hide or display weekend and holiday data. 1. Click the **Chart Data** sub-tab. {{ :cw_067.png?nolink |}} 2. The **Chart Data** window appears. {{ :cwc_d_cd_01.png?nolink |}} **Clear cache data** 1. In the **Chart Data** window, click the **Chart Data** menu, and then click an option (either **All Data**, **Minute Data**, or **Day Data**). 2. Click the **Range** menu, and then click **All** or **Today**. 3. Click the **Symbol** menu, and then click **All Symbols** or **Current Symbol**. 4. Click **Clear Data**. 5. The cache data is cleared. **Set a sales condition filter** 1. In the **Chart Data** window, select the check box for **Sales Condition Filter**. 2. In the **Input** field, type a sales condition value, and then click **Add**. **Note:** you can find available sales condition values in the TOS Values PDF on the __[[https://metro.dttw.com/metro/knowledge-base|Knowledge Base]]__. 3. Click **OK**. 4. The filter is applied to the Chart Window, and the sales condition is hidden from view. 5. To remove a sales condition filter, in the **Chart Data** window, click the filter to select it, click **Delete**, and then click **OK**. **Drawings** Using these menus you can delete all drawings created using the Drawing Tool for your **Current Instance** or **All Instances** for the **Current Symbol** or **All Symbols**. **Show or hide weekend and holiday data** 1. In the **Chart Data** window, select or clear the checkboxes for the **Display Weekend** and the **Display Holiday** options to show or hide weekend and holiday data in the **Chart Window**. 2. In the **Customization** window, click **OK**. 3. The chart data is updated. ===Size=== Use the Size window to configure default shares, maximum position, maximum order size, lot size overrides, and multipliers. Changes made to the Size table can be broadcast to all instances. 1. Click the **Size** sub-tab. {{ :cw_068i.png?nolink |}} 2. The **Size** window appears. {{ :cw_068ii.png?nolink |}} **Apply size defaults by symbol** 1. Ensure that the **ApplySizeDefaultsBy** option is set to **Symbol**. 2. Click the **New** button. 3. The **AddNewSizeDefaultsBySymbol** window appears. 4. Type the corresponding values in the **EnterSymbolOrWildcard**, **DefaultShareSize**, **MaxOrderSize**, **MaxPositionSize**, and **DefaultLotSize** fields. 5. Click **OK**. 6. The row is added to the table. 7. Continue adding symbols as needed. 8. In the **Size** window, click **OK**. 9. The size defaults are set for the symbol(s) when sending orders from the Chart Window. **Apply size defaults by window** 1. Ensure that the **ApplySizeDefaultsBy** option is set to **Window**. {{ :cw_068iii.png?nolink |}} 2. In the **DefaultSize** section, select or clear the check boxes and type values in the **DefaultSize**, **MaximumOrderSize**, **MaximumPositionSize**, and **OverrideLotSize** fields. 3. Click **OK**. 4. The size defaults are set when sending orders from the Chart Window. ====Editing A Candle==== 1. Right-click any candle from the Chart Window. 2. Select “**Data Editor for One Candle**” from the dropdown menu. {{ :cw_eac_01.png |}} 3. The Chart Data Editor will appear where you can edit the data. {{ :cw_eac_02.png |}} 4. After entering the desired edits, press “**OK**.” * **Note**: You can only edit one candle at a time using this feature. To edit multiple candles, please use the Data Editor. You can find more information on the Data Editor by reviewing the “Chart Window components.” ====Indicators==== Use the Indicators window to adjust the indicator settings for the Chart Window. * Click the **Indicators** tab to open the **Indicators** window. {{ :cw_075.png?nolink |}} The Indicators window contains one sub-tab: Technical Indicators. {{ :cw_076.png?nolink |}} ====PPro8 Available Indicators==== **New:** for your reference, please see the **__{{:ppro8_available_indicators.pdf|PPro8 Available Indicators PDF}}__** before adding indicators to the Chart Window. Indicators available in PPro8 include: * Accumulation Distribution Line (ACL) * Bolling Bands * Bollinger Bandwidth * Commodity Channel Index (CCI) * Exponential Moving Average (EMA) * Kurtosis * Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) * Parabolic SAR * Parabolic SAR Oscillator * Relative Strength Index (RSI) * Simple Moving Average (SMA) * Skewness * Smoothed Moving Average (SMA) * Standard Deviation (SD) * Standard Error (SE) * Stochastic * Stochastic RSI * Volume * Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) * Volume Weighted Average Price Bands * Weighted Moving Average (WMA) {{ :sma_ind.png?nolink |}} ===Technical Indicators=== Use the Technical Indicators window to create, adjust, or delete technical indicators for the Chart Window. **Create a technical indicator** 1. In the **Technical Indicators** window, click **Create**. 2. The **Create New Indicator** window appears. {{ :cw_078.png?nolink |}} 3. Click an indicator in the **Available Indicators** list. 4. Click **OK**. 5. The indicator appears in the **Indicators** section. {{ :cw_080.png?nolink |}} 5. In the **Indicator Settings** section, type or click to adjust the indicator’s settings. 6. Click **OK**. 7. The indicator appears in the **Chart Window**. **Note:** when setting up an indicator, you need to choose the **View 0** option if you want to put the indicator on the chart itself, instead of below it. ====Multiple Symbols==== Use the Multiple Symbols window to add, remove, and compare multiple symbols from the Chart Window. * Click the **Multiple Symbols** tab to open the **Multiple Symbols** window. {{ :cw_083.png?nolink |}} The Multiple Symbols window contains one sub-tab: Side by Side. {{ :cw_084.png?nolink |}} ===Side by Side=== Use the Side by Side window to compare symbols, side by side, in the Chart Window. **Add a symbol for comparison** 1. In the **Side by Side** window, click **Add**. 2. A row appears in the **Compare Symbols** table. 3. Double-click each cell in the row and type or click the symbol, shape type, up tick color, down tick color, and neutral tick color you want to set. 4. Click **OK**. 5. The symbol is added to the **Chart Window** for comparison. {{ :cw_091b.png?nolink |}} **Delete a symbol from comparison** 1. In the **Multiple Symbols** window, click the row for the symbol you want to delete. 2. Click **Remove**. 3. Click **OK**. 4. The symbol is deleted from comparison in the Chart Window. =====OHLC===== Use the OHLC window to show OHLC values for daily and time-specific values. The OHLC title bar shows daily values, and the OHLC window shows data points. In addition you can set lines to show the opening and closing price. To show, hide or edit the OHLC window or price lines, select or clear the check box for the OHLC Window display option in: **Chart Window Customization > Display > OHLC Tab**. {{ :cw_092.png?nolink |}} Use the OHLC window to view the last data point (candle) values, or any data point highlighted by the crosshair, including: * TOp = Today’s Opening price * THp = Today’s High price * TLp = Today’s Low price * YCp = Yesterday’s Closing price * TVo = Today’s Volume **Example** Below you can see an example of OHLC window, set to yellow. {{:cw_092_01_a.png|}} ====OHLC Title Bar==== This setting will show the OHLC window with today’s information. To turn it on, take the following steps. **Turn On** 1. Go to the Chart Window Customization, and then select the OHLC Tab. 2. Under Today’s OHLC Window, check Display. {{:cw_092_02_01.png|}} 3. Select Apply then OK. You also have the ability to change the text color and background color. To change these characteristics, simply select a text and background color from the color pickers. {{:cw_092_02_02.png|}} **Turn Off** 1. Go to the Chart Window Customization, and then select the OHLC Tab. 2. Under Today’s OHLC Window, uncheck Display. 3. Select Apply then OK. Use the OHLC title bar to view daily values, including: * TOp = Today’s Opening price * THp = Today’s High price * TLp = Today’s Low price * YCp = Yesterday’s Closing price * TVo = Today’s Volume **Example** Below you can see an example of OHLC title bar, set to blue. {{:cw_092_01_b.png?}} ====Opening Price==== This setting will show the opening price for the current trade day. To turn it on, take the following steps: **Turn On**: - Go to the Chart Window Customization, and then select the **OHLC Tab**. - Check the **Open Price Line** checkbox. - Select **Apply** then **OK**. {{ :cw_095.png: |}} **Line Options** You also have the ability to change the color and style of the line. To change the color, simply select a color from the color picker. {{:cw_095_01.png}} To change the line style simply select the style you would like from the drop down menu. The options are:. * Solid Line * Dashed Line * Dotted Line {{:cw_095_02.png}} **Display Label** In addition to the line, you can also display a label that provides this information. To turn it on, simply select the **Display Label** checkbox. You can style by selecting text and background color. {{:cw_095_03.png}} **Turn Off** - Go to the Chart Window Customization, and then select the **OHLC Tab**. - **Deselect** Open Price Line checkbox. - Select **Apply** then **OK**. **Example** Below you can see an example of a Open Price line that has been set to green, using a solid line, with a Display Label that uses black text and green background. {{ :cw_095_04_a.png |}} ====Closing Price==== This setting will show the closing price for the current trade day. To turn it on, take the following steps: **Turn On**: - Go to the Chart Window Customization, and then select the **OHLC Tab**. - Check the **Close Price Line** checkbox. - Select **Apply** then **OK**. {{ :cw_096.png: |}} **Line Options** You also have the ability to change the color and style of the line. To change the color, simply select a color from the color picker. {{:cw_096_01.png}} To change the line style simply select the style you would like from the drop down menu. The options are:. * Solid Line * Dashed Line * Dotted Line {{:cw_096_02.png}} **Display Label** In addition to the line, you can also display a label that provides this information. To turn it on, simply select the **Display Label** checkbox. You can style by selecting text and background color. {{:cw_096_03.png}} **Turn Off** - Go to the Chart Window Customization, and then select the **OHLC Tab**. - **Deselect** Close Price Line checkbox. - Select **Apply** then **OK**. **Example** Below you can see an example of a Closing Price line that has been set to pink, using a solid line, with a Display Label that uses black text and green background. {{ :cw_096_04_a.png |}} =====Clear Cache Data from Chart Window===== A common trigger for the Chart Window crashing is that the locally cached data is corrupted. To clear all Cache Data from the Chart Window, please take the following steps: - Right click on the chart window to and select **Chart Window Customization** - Navigate to the **Display: Chart Data tab** - At the top of the dialogue select the **Clear Data** button - leaving the settings at the defaults for All Data, All, All Symbols. - Close the customization by hitting **OK**. {{:cw_097.png?600|}}