====== Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) ====== The Indonesia Stock Exchange, the result of a merger between Surabaya Stock Exchange and Jakarta Stock Exchange, is the primary equity market in Indonesia. [[https://www.idnfinancials.com/ | Homepage]] Currency: Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) [[http://www.idx.co.id/en-us/news/trading-holiday/ | Holiday Calendar]]\\ [[http://www.idx.co.id/en-us/investor/trading-hours/ | Trading Hours]] ==== Order Types ==== * Limit Buy/Sell→ShortSell (Day) ==== Basic Market Rules ==== * Lot Size: 500 shares. * Tick Size: varies by price, as follows: ^ Price Range ^ Tick Size ^ | Rp 500 | Rp 1 | | Rp 500 - 5,000 | Rp 5 | | > Rp 5,000 | Rp 25 | * Short Sale Rules: naked short selling is prohibited. A short locate must be obtained and all short sell orders must be properly marked. * Circuit Breakers: as follows: ^ Stage ^ Trigger ^ Action ^ | First | If the IDX composite index falls by 10% from the previous day's close | All trading in listed securities will be halted for 30 minutes | | Second | If the IDX composite index falls by 15% from the previous day's close (i.e., by another 5%) | Trading in all listed securities will be suspended until the closing time of that session, or more (given approval by Indonesia's Financial Services Authority)| ==== Auction Mechanisms ==== Both the opening and closing auction mechanisms in Indonesia operate by matching all open orders on a price-time priority basis. === Open === Pre-Opening Session: orders can be entered from 08:45:00 - 08:55:00, with order matching occurring from 08:55:01 - 08:59:59 ahead of the market open at 09:00:00. === Close === Continuous Auction: matching selling offer against buying demand entered in pre-closing session from 15:50:00 to 16:00:00 using price-time priority. The closing price is based on the best price and largest volume of shares matched. **Auction Periods** Pre-Closing Session: 15:50:00 - 16:00:00 - securities exchange member to input selling offers or buying demand Closing Auction: 16:00:01 - 16:04:59 - JATS performs the incurred formation process of Closing Price, and performs matching auction continuously selling offer against buying demand on Closing Price based on price-time priority **Order Types:** Limit Order with TIF set to DAY. =====See Also===== * [[market_guides|Market Guides]]