====== New Zealand Exchange (NZX) ====== NZX is the official equities exchange of New Zealand. It facilitates the trading of securities of the majority of New Zealand's listed companies and also a number of listed overseas companies. The Exchange owns Smartshares, the country's only issuer of listed ETFs. Please note: Until further notice, market is not available to trade. [[http://www.nzx.com | Homepage]] Currency: New Zealand Dollar (NZD) [[https://www.nzx.com/investing/nzx-trading-hours | Trading Hours & Holiday Calendar]] ==== Order Types ==== * Limit Day * Fill or Kill (FOK) * Immediate or Cancel (IOC) ==== Basic Market Rules ==== * Lot Size: 100 shares. * Tick Size: minimum price change for securities quoted on NZX is one cent ($0.01 AUD), except when the price is less than twenty cents ($0.20), then the minimum price change will be one tenth of a cent ($0.001). * Short Sale Rules: short sales can be executed only on approved securities. Short sales cannot be completed if a sale means that 10% of the security is being subject to short sales. Uptick rules apply. All net short positions must be reported to the exchange. * Circuit Breakers: there is currently no circuit breakers mechanism in NZX. * Crossing: all crossing is permitted within market price. Outside of market price, crosses must be greater than NZ$1 million. ==== Trading Sessions ==== 1. **Pre-Open** (08:30:00 - 09:59:29) * Orders can be entered but will not execute 2. **Opening Auction** * Occurs at random from 09:59:30 - 10:00:30 3. **Continuous Trading** (10:00:30 - 16:44:59) * Takes place after the Opening Auction 4. **Pre-Close** (16:45:00) * Orders can be entered but will not execute 5. **Closing Auction** * Occurs at random from 16:59:30 - 17:00:30 (DTTW™ closing auction order cut-off time: 16:59:15) * **Note:** any order sent during the closing auction must be within 7% of the theoretical auction price For more information on the rules governing the New Zealand Stock Exchange, see the [[ https://www.nzx.com/regulation/participant-rules | Participant Rules]] page. ===== Additional Info ===== ==== Regulatory Bodies ==== The [[ http://www.fma.govt.nz/ | Financial Markets Authority (FMA)]] is responsible for overseeing exchanges and regulating financial advisors, financial service providers, trustees, and auditors. Its objectives are to promote and facilitate the development of fair, efficient, and transparent financial markets. ==== Financial News/Research ==== * [[http://www.nbr.co.nz/ | The National Business Review]] * [[https://www.nzherald.co.nz/topic/economy/ | The New Zealand Herald - Business Section]] * [[http://nz.finance.yahoo.com/ | Yahoo!Finance - New Zealand]] ==== Market Data ==== * [[https://www.nzx.com/markets/NZSX | NZSX Market Data]] ===== See Also ===== * [[market_guides|Market Guides]]