=====PPro8 News Reader===== Use the PPro8 News Reader to see news headlines for trending symbols. ====Open the News Reader==== 1. On the PPro8 toolbar, click **NewsReader**. {{ :nr_001.png?nolink |}} 2. The **News Reader** window appears with two options available, **Symbol(s)** and **Continuous**. {{ :nr_002.png?nolink |}} ====Search for a symbol==== 1. In the **Symbol** field, type a symbol. {{ :nr_003.png?nolink |}} 2. Press **Tab**. 3. Type or click the symbol's market extension. {{ :nr_004.png?nolink |}} 4. Press **Enter**. 5. A list of news headlines appears. {{ :nr_005.png?nolink |}} 6. Click an embedded link to go to the source webpage of the news headline. {{ :nr_006.png?nolink |}} 7. Double-click a headline to see detailed information in a new window, including: * original message * link to the source * related companies * originator information **New:** you can now open as many Details windows as you like at the same time. **Note:** you can copy and paste news message text from the News Reader to, for example, a translator app. {{ :nr_007.png?nolink |}} 8. Right-click any news headline, select the **Add Symbol To Symbol List** menu item, and then select an existing symbol list to add the currently registered symbol to the list. {{ :nr_007i.png?nolink |}} 9. Read symbol news, be informed about market moves, and trade accordingly. ====Autocomplete==== The autocomplete functionality is now available for the News Reader. To enable to this functionality, please take the following steps: 1. Right click on the News Reader and select “**Customization Dialog**.” {{ :nr_ac_01.png |}} 2. From the pop-up window, please “**Symbols**” from the right hand tabs, and then the “**View**” tab at the bottom of the window. 3. Select “**Autocomplete** Symbol” {{ :nr_ac_02.png |}} 4. Click “**Apply**” then “**OK**.” ====Load headlines for a symbol list==== 1. In the **Select a List** menu, select a symbol list (lists can be created in __[[symbol list editor tool | Symbol List Editor]]__). {{ :nr_008.png?nolink |}} 2. The headlines for the symbol list appear. {{ :nr_009.png?nolink |}} ====Load headlines in Continuous view==== 1. At the top of the News Reader window, select the **Continuous** option. {{ :nr_010.png?nolink |}} 2. The Continuous view appears, showing live streaming headlines as they come in through the feed. {{ :nr_011.png?nolink |}} 3. You can double-click a row to see more information about each headline. ====Continuous view==== ===Introduction=== Powered by Refinitiv, offered exclusively by Real Trading, the News Reader now supports the powerful Regex Syntax in Column filter, which gives you unlimited potential to personalize your news feeds. Plus, we now offer 40 example filter rules that you can try today! Because only about 40% of news stories on the web have a symbol associated with them, that means 60% percent or more of news stories never made it to Symbol view. Hence, it used to be that there were limited news available in News Reader. Now, with the new Continuous View, traders can see 100% percent of the stories that matter to them. Every bit of news that the Refinitiv system generates gets passed right on through to the PPro8 client. We do not process or delete anything from the feed. It’s like having the entire Refinitiv news database at your fingertips. On the PPro8 client side, you can decide what you want to filter to assist you in your trading, and make your trading decisions right away. In sum, the News Reader is a useful tool for managers, traders, office owners, and everyone who’s part of the Real Trading family. It loads news stories quickly; offers up-to-the-minute news in 32 languages; allows for copy-and-pasting into translator apps; and makes it easy to search and filter through the sea of news stories to find the most relevant information for your trading needs. For more information, you can see the **PPro8 News Reader Code Reference Guide:** **__{{:ppro8_news_reader_code_reference_guide.pdf|PDF}}__** or **__{{:ppro8_news_reader_code_reference_guide.xlsx|Excel}}__**. **Note:** please ensure that you research your news sources well. Depending on the origin country, headlines will appear at different times of the day or week due to time zone and language differences. **Note:** some headlines will appear faster or slower than others throughout the day, depending on the news agency or source, and whether or not there are many (or few) news-worthy stories that day. **Note:** at this time, the copy-and-pasting function applies only to the news message contents, not the headline. {{ nr_014.png?nolink |}} ===Available columns=== * **AlrtID (Alert ID):** a unique code to identify a given news alert * **Note:** the Alert ID stays the same if there are any updates or follow up headlines on a given news story * **Examples:** * nRTV4jnN6G * nBw8vX0yma * nL8N25B4TQ * **Date:** the date of the news release * **Examples:** * 20200103 (for January 3, 2020) * 20200602 (for June 2, 2020) * **Prdc (Product Code):** product codes identify which desktop news product(s) the news item belongs to; they are typically tailored to very specific audiences * **Examples:** * RBR, C, D, E, M, O, T, U * MTL, GRO, SOF, OIL, MNI, NAT * AEN, SP, DNP * **Hdln (Headline):** the subject/headline text of the news item * **Examples:** * “Reuters Insider - CBS, Viacom warn merger to cause job losses, hint potential deals ahead: Alex Sherman” * “Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Announces Second Quarter 2020 Financial Results” * 国际油市:汽油裂解价差差承压,因供应充足 * **Pattr (Pattern Code):** pattern codes, also known as recurring report codes, identify news items that follow a pattern. Items sharing the same code cover periodic updates to the same subject matter and often have very similar headlines * **Note:** not all news items have this code * **Examples:** * 133, 1259, 10070 * 4780, US/RETAIL1 * 1785, LDIS/ACN * **Lnge (Language):** language code * **Examples:** * en (for English) * ru (for Russian) * zh (for Chinese) * **Src (Source):** identifier for the source that provided the news item * **Examples:** * RCNBC (for Reuters Insider CNBC Content) * BSW (Business Wire) * RTRS (Reuters) * **RltSym (Related Symbols):** company identifiers that relate to this news item. * **Note:** if the prefix is **S**, the symbol is in the PPro8 system * **Note:** if the prefix is **R**, it is a Reuters symbol that is not in the PPro8 system * **Examples:** * S:{RKR.VN} ← this symbol is in the system and available to trade * R:{PRN.TO} ← this symbol is not in our system, and a manager has to __[[http://support.dttw.com|submit a mojo]]__ to request to add it * **Sbjcts (Subjects):** subject codes and company identifiers that relate to this news item * **Examples:** * A:{4} (for news about the commodities markets) * E:{1,40,44} (for news about corporate events, products/services, and commercial contract wins/terminations) * **Tm (Time):** the timestamp for when the alert was received (in Coordinated Universal Time, i.e., UTC) * **Example:** 20:21:51 For more information on what each code means, you can see the **PPro8 News Reader Code Reference Guide:** **__{{:ppro8_news_reader_code_reference_guide.pdf|PDF}}__** or **__{{:ppro8_news_reader_code_reference_guide.xlsx|Excel}}__**. ===Filter and search for news messages=== Here are the steps for making the most of the News Reader tool’s Continuous view mode. 1. Open the News Reader tool, and then select the **Continuous** view option 2. A continuous stream of news headlines and associated data will populate the News Reader window 3. Right-click anywhere in the News Reader to open the **News Reader Customization Window** {{ nr_015.png?nolink |}} 4. In the Continuous pane, select the **Related Symbols** and the **Subjects** items in the **Unselected Items** list, and then click the **>** arrow to move them to the **Selected Items** list, one by one **Note:** the **Headline** and **Time** columns cannot be unselected/hidden from Continuous view. 5. Click the **Font** sub-tab to open the Font pane 6. In the Font pane, click the **Set Font** button 7. In the **Select Font** window, under **Size**, you can select a larger font size for easier readability, and adjust other font settings according to your preferences (for example, Arial, Bold, 11) 8. Click **OK** 9. The new columns and the new font size appear in the News Reader tool {{ nr_016.png?nolink |}} **Tips:** * You can resize the News Reader window by clicking and dragging its corners; or * Drag the horizontal scroll bar to see more; or * Double-click the vertical line between any two column headings to resize each column to its full width 10. Right-click on a column heading to open the Alfa Regular Expression Filter window, for example, **Lnge** (Language) * **Note:** you can filter the following columns only: Prdc, Pattr, Lnge, Src, RltSym, Sbjcts 11. In the Alfa Regular Expression Filter window, click **ActivateFilter For “Language”** {{ nr_017.png?nolink |}} 12. The filter options appear. Type a Language code in the Regular Expression field (for example, **zh** for Chinese), ensure the **show** menu option is selected, and then click **OK** * **Note:** the Regular Expressions field is case-sensitive * **Note:** a Regular Expression is a sequence of characters that defines a search pattern. To learn more, you can see this site: https://cs.lmu.edu/~ray/notes/regex/ * To hide a column filter by name, select the check box for the name under the **Hide** column (for example, **de** for German), and then click **OK** * Under the **FilterMode** column in the Alfa window, the following options are available for selection: * ShowMatchingRowOnly * HideMatchingRows * HighlightRowOnly * HighlightCellOnly 13. The Continuous View populates with headlines 14. Double-click a headline row to open the **Detailed Information** window for the news item {{ nr_019.png?nolink |}} 15. Read news messages and trade accordingly 16. To turn off a column filter, open the Alfa Regular Expression Filter window for the column, and then click **DisableFilter For “Language”** 17. The filter is disabled and news stories stream in, unfiltered **Note:** you can have multiple column filters activated at once, or you can set one filter to be active at a time. Remember to disable any extra filters if they’re not needed, as they may interfere with each other, or lead to limited news results appearing. **Note:** to quickly see if a column filter is activated or not, you can move your mouse cursor over a column heading (for example, **Prdc**), and if a filter is active, a small tooltip message will appear: {{nr_018.png?nolink}} **Note:** you can open up to four (4) instances of the News Reader window at the same time. This is useful when you want to track multiple markets. ===Examples of regular expressions and formulas=== ^ Example ^ Filter Column ^ Description ^ Return ^ | PGA%%|%%PGF | Prdc | Formula for an //or// expression | Finds news from product PGA (Platts News Service - Global Alert) **or** PGF (Platts News Service - Feedstock Add-On). E.g., “PLATTS: 1397--Platts European MTBE/ETBE Market Commentary - 19Aug19” | | (?=.*B:)(?=.*1649) | Sbjcts | Formula for an //and// expression | Finds news that have Prefix B **and** Value 1649. E.g., “ISE - Rule 38.5 - Replacement of ABBVIE INC” | | \bP\b, \bSP\b | Sbjcts | Formula for a bounded expression when a value has 1 or 2 characters | Finds news for the **P** and/or **SP** subjects. E.g., “UPDATE 2-Schools deserted in Indian Kashmir as parents fear more unrest” | | P* | Sbjcts | Formula for a wildcard expression that contains an unknown text value (*) | Finds news that contains **P**, followed by other characters. E.g., {P,PGA,PGF}. E.g., “AKU Akumin acquires five Texas imaging centres” | For more examples of formulas you can use, see the **PPro8 News Reader Code Reference Guide:** **__{{:ppro8_news_reader_code_reference_guide.pdf|PDF}}__** or **__{{:ppro8_news_reader_code_reference_guide.xlsx|Excel}}__**. ===Freeze news feed=== 1. Click the **Freeze** button to freeze the news feed and catch the headlines you want to read before they scroll too far down. {{ :nr_019i.png?nolink |}} 2. The news feed freezes and the News Reader counts how many frozen news headlines are not displayed in real time. {{ :nr_019ii.png?nolink |}} 3. To unfreeze the news feed, click the **UnFreeze** button. {{ :nr_019iii.png?nolink |}} 4. The live feed continues and the frozen news headlines display. {{ :nr_019iv.png?nolink |}} ====News Reader Customization==== To make changes to the News Reader settings, right-click anywhere in the News Reader to open the News Reader Customization window. This window displays three tabs on the left: **Symbols**, **Continuous**, and **Sounds**. {{ :nr_012.png?nolink |}} ===Symbols=== Use the Symbols window to adjust the display settings for the News Reader. * Click the **Symbols** tab to open the **Symbols** window. The Symbols window contains three sub-tabs: Color, Font, and GroupLink. ==Color== Use the Color window to adjust color settings for the News Reader. 1. Click the **Color** sub-tab in the **Symbols** window. 2. The **Color** window appears. 3. In the **Data Color Options** section, double-click the color box for either of two options: **Background Color** or **Text**. 4. The **Color Selector** window appears. Click a color, and then click **OK**. 5. In the **Customization** window, click **OK**. 6. The data color is set. ==Font== Use the Font window to set the overall font for the News Reader window. 1. Click the **Font** sub-tab. 2. The **Font** window appears. 3. Click the **Set Font** button. 4. The **Select Font** window appears. 5. Click the font, font style, size, effects, and writing system you want to set. 6. Click **OK**. 7. In the **Customization** window, click **OK**. 8. The font is set. ==GroupLink== 1. Select the **Link Window to Group Number** check box. 2. Type the number of the window you would like to link the News Reader window to. 3. Click **OK**. 4. The link is set. A symbol change in a linked window (for example, the Stock Window), will load the latest news headlines for the symbol in the News Reader. ===Continuous=== Use the Continuous window to adjust the settings for the Continuous view. * Click the Continuous tab to open the Continuous window. The Continuous window contains four sub-tabs: Columns, Color, Font, and Display. ==Columns== Use the Columns window to show, hide, or sort the following columns: * Alert ID * Date * Product * Headline – cannot be hidden * Patterns * Language * Source * Time – cannot be hidden * Related Symbols * Subjects 1. To show a column, click an item in the **Unselected items** list. 2. Click the right arrow to move the item to the **Selected items** list. 3. Click **OK**. 4. The column appears in the **News Reader** window. 5. To hide a column, click an item in the **Selected items** list. 6. Click the left arrow to move the item to the **Unselected items** list. 7. Click **OK**. 8. The column is hidden from the **News Reader** window. ==Color== Use the Color window to adjust color settings. 1. Click the **Color** sub-tab. 2. The **Color** window appears. 3. In the Data Color Options or the Header Color Options sections, double-click a color box. 4. The **Color Selector** window appears. Click a color, and then click **OK**. 5. In the **Customization** window, click **OK**. 6. The color option is set. ==Font== Use the Font window to set the overall font. 1. Click the **Font** sub-tab. 2. The **Font** window appears. 3. Click the **Set Font** button. 4. The **Select Font** window appears. 5. Click the font, font style, size, effects, and writing system you want to set. 6. Click **OK**. 7. In the **Customization** window, click **OK**. 8. The font is set. ==Display== Use the Display window to set grid lines. 1. Click the **Display** sub-tab. 2. Select the **Show Grid Lines** check box. 3. Click **OK**. 4. The grid lines are set. ===Sounds=== Use the Sounds window to configure sound alerts by symbol. * Click the Sounds tab to open the Sounds window, which shows the **Sound configurations** table. 1. To configure a sound alert, click **New**. 2. A new row appears in the **Sound configurations** table. 3. Under the **Symbol** column heading, type the symbol and market extension of the symbol you wish to hear a sound alert for. 4. Under the **Sound File** column heading, click the three dots **. . .** to browse your computer for a sound file. Only WAV format is supported, with a file size limit of 200 KB. 5. Click **OK**. 6. The sound alert is configured. When news about the symbol appear, the alert will sound.