===== PPro8 Order List ===== Use the PPro8 Order List window to create a list of orders to use with the __[[keyboard setup tool|Keyboard Setup]]__ Order List option. ===Open the Order List window=== 1. On the PPro8 toolbar, click **OrderList**. {{ :ol_001.png?nolink |}} 2. The **Order List** window appears. {{ :ol_002.png?nolink |}} ===Order List window components=== {{ :ol_003.png?nolink |}} A. Region: click the region where the market is located. B. Market: click the market for the orders. C. List name: click a list name to load a saved order list. To create a new order list, click **New**, type a name in the **List Name** window, and then click **OK**. {{ ol_004.png?nolink |}} * After naming the order list, right-click anywhere in the empty Order List field, and then click **Insert Row** {{ ol_005.png?nolink |}} * The **Single Order Window** appears ===Single Order Window=== Use the **Single Order Window** to add an order to the list by clicking or typing specific order information. {{ ol_006.png?nolink |}} * **Size Multiplier:** the unit share size for the order * **Gateway:** the gateway the order will be sent through * **Side:** Buy/Sell/Short Sell * **Destination:** the market or exchange name * **Order Type:** after clicking the destination, click the order type * **Reference Side:** click to choose whether the order’s price will reference the near side or the far side of the Level 1 quote * **Price Adjust:** type the price adjustment amount if the order is a Limit order and the reference side is Near or Far. If the reference side is None, type the Limit Price * **TIF (Time in Force):** click a TIF setting for the order * **Reserve:** click to set whether to show the entire order size or a portion of the order size * **Display Size:** if you click **Yes** in **Reserve**, you can then type the amount of the order size to be displayed in the lit market * **Post Only:** click to set the Post Only option * Post Only usually acts as a restriction for an order that tells the exchange that it's only a passive post to a book without removing liquidity; if, due to market volatility, the order is about to remove liquidity, it will be cancelled * **Min Size:** the minimum execution size for the order, if any {{ ol_007.png?nolink |}} 1. Click **OK** in the **Single Order Window** to save the new single order. Add more orders as needed. 2. Click **Save** to save the new order list. 3. When saved, the order list appears in **Keyboard Setup** in the **Order Setup Dialog** window under the **Order List** option. {{ ol_008.png?nolink |}} 4. Use **__[[keyboard setup tool|Keyboard Setup]]__** to set up a keyboard shortcut for the order list.