===== PPro8 Order Status ===== Use the PPro8 Order Status window look up the status of your orders. ====Open an Order Status window==== 1. On the PPro8 toolbar, click **OrderStatus**. {{ :os_001.png?nolink |}} 2. The **Order Status** window appears. {{ :os_002.png?nolink |}} ====Filter orders==== Use the filter function to filter the order you want to find by the following parameters: * **Office:** the office ID * **Region:** the region where the market is located * **Trader:** the trader ID * **Market:** the market where the order was sent * **Action:** the side of the order * **Gateway:** the gateway where the order was sent * **Symbol:** the symbol of the order * **Time(From):** the time period from which the order was sent {{ :os_003.png?nolink |}} 1. Click the **(All)** menu for each parameter you want to filter by, and then click an item. 2. Type a symbol, and then type or click a time you want to filter by. 3. The **Order Status** window shows the status of orders based on the filters you set. ====Change order status color==== {{ :os_004.png?nolink |}} Use the color customization function to change the color of orders by status, whether accepted, filled, cancelled, executed, or rejected. 1. Double-click a color box for the order status type you want to change the color for. 2. The **Color Selector** window appears. 3. Click a color, and then click **OK**. 4. The new color is set. ====Cancel an order from the Order Status window==== * To cancel an order from the **Order Status** window, select the order, and then press **Esc**. ====Order Status components==== The Order Status window shows the following information on sent orders: * **Trdr (Trader Id):** the trader ID for the order * **OfId (Office Code):** the office code for the order * **Act (Account):** the account ID for the order * **GwName (Gateway Name):** the name of the gateway where the order was sent * **Sym (Symbol):** the symbol of the order * **Mkt (Market Name):** the market for the order * **OrdrId (Order Id):** the automatically generated order ID that uniquely identifies the order * **SeqNum (Sequence Number):** the sequence number for the order * **OrdrSt (Order State Name):** the order status of the order * **OrdSz (Order Size):** the order size * **OpnSz (Open Size):** the open size of the order * **FilSz (Filled Size):** the fill size of the order * **ExecSz (Execution Size):** the execution size of the order * **OrdPx (Order Price):** the accepted price of the order * **ExecPx (Execution Price):** the execution price of the order * **Cy (Currency Name):** the currency of the order * **MktTime (Market Time):** the local market time of the order * **Reg (Region Name):** the market region of the order * **DstName (Destination Name):** the destination name of the order * **ViaApi (Order sent via PProApi):** whether the order was sent via __[[pproapi|PProAPI]]__—Yes or No * **OrdCls (Order Class):** the name of the order from __[[keyboard setup tool|Keyboard Setup]]__ * **AutoCn (AutoCancel):** whether AutoCancel was on—Yes or No * **ClntTime (Client Local Time):** the time of the order on the local client side * **Info (Information):** other information about the order, such as liquidity flags and tags * **LstEvnt (Last Order Event):** the last event of the order * **MktCnclRjct# (Number of Market Rejects):** the number of rejections by the market * **OpnCnclRjct# (Number of OPC Rejects):** the number of rejections by the OPC server * **Side:** the side of the order * **SentViaAPI:** information on whether the order was sent via API To select multiple orders, use **Shift** + Mouse Click. ====Order Status Inquiry Window==== Use the Order Status Inquiry Window to view detailed information about each order, and search through orders by order number, gateway, and client order ID. * Double-click an order to open the **Order Status Inquiry Window**. Or, click **OSI**. {{ :os_005.png?nolink |}} ===Search order statuses=== 1. In the **Order Status Inquiry Window**, click the **Market** or **Gateway** menu to show order status by market or gateway. 2. Type or paste the **Order Id** or **Client Order Id** in the respective field, and then press **Enter**, to show order status by order ID or client order ID. * **Order Id:** the automatically generated order ID that uniquely identifies the order in PPro8 * **Gateway:** the gateway where the order was sent * **Client Order Id:** the automatically generated order ID that uniquely identifies the order in the market ====Freeze and unfreeze the Order Status window==== 1. To freeze a snapshot of the **Order Status** window at any time, click **Freeze** in the **Order Status** window. 2. To unfreeze the **Order Status** window, click **Unfreeze**. ====Order Status Customization==== To make changes to the Order Status settings, right-click anywhere in the **Order Status** window, and then click **Order Status Customization** to open the **Order Status Customization Dialog** window. Or, click **Ctrl + O**. This window displays two tabs on the left: Columns and Font. {{ :os_006.png?nolink |}} ===Columns=== Use the Columns window to show or hide items in the Order Status window. * Click the **Columns** tab to open the **Columns** window. ===Hide an item from the Order Status window=== 1. In the **Columns** window, click an item in the **Selected Items** list. 2. Click the left arrow to move the item to the **Unselected items** list. 3. Click **OK**. 4. The item is hidden from the **Order Status** window. ===Show an item in the Order Status window=== 1. In the **Columns** window, click an item in the **Unselected items** list. 2. Click the right arrow to move the item to the **Selected items** list. 3. Click **OK**. 4. The item is hidden from the **Order Status** window. ===Font=== Use the Font window to set the overall font for the Order Status window. * Click the **Font** tab to open the **Font** window. ===Set a font for the Order Status window=== 1. In the **Font** window, click **Set Font**. 2. The **Select Font** window appears. 3. Click the font, font styles, size, effects, and writing system you want to set. 4. Click **OK**. 5. In the Order Status Customization window, click **OK**. 6. The new font is set. ====Order Status Alignment & Filtering Columns==== Most columns in the Order Status tool now have options to set alignment and filters to them. The columns where filtering can be applied to are: * Trdr * Ofld * GwName * Sym * Mkt * OrdrId * MktTime * ViaApi * ClOrdId * OrdCls * ClntTime * Info * Side ===Adjusting Alignment=== To adjust the alignment of the noted columns, please take the following steps: 1. Right click on any of the above-noted filters in the tool. 2. A pop-up menu will appear and will provide you the ability to set an alignment to either: * Left (default) * Center * Right {{ :os_aa_01.png |}} 3. Select your desired alignment and press **OK** to apply the new rule. ===Applying A Filter=== To access the filters, please take the following steps: 1. Right click on any of the above-noted filters in the tool. 2. A pop-up menu will appear and will provide you the ability to create filters. {{ :os_aaf_01.png |}} 3. Select “**Activate Filter** for …” button. This will unlock the lower area of this menu, and allow you to set your filter parameters. {{ :os_aaf_02.png |}} 4. Enter the syntax that you would like to filter for, or filter out, in the “**Regular Expression**” box. For more information on RegEx filtering, please [[https://cs.lmu.edu/~ray/notes/regex/|review the following link]]. {{ :os_aaf_03.png |}} 5. Set the foreground and background colors by selecting the color swatches and selecting a desired color. {{ :os_aaf_04.png |}} 6. In the Filter Modes, you have four options, from which you can only select one: * ShowMatchingRowsOnly: This will only show matching rows. * Hide Matching Rows: This will hide matching rows. * Highlight Rows Only: This will highlight the match rows. * Highlight Cell Only: This will only highlight the matching cell. 7. Finally, press **OK** to apply the filter. * **Note**: If you would like to search for case sensitive information, then please leave “Ignore Case” unchecked. If case sensitivity is not an issue, then please check “Ignore Case.”