=====PPro8 Script Monitor===== Use the PPro8 Script Monitor to monitor and confirm script orders, such as Stop, Trailing Stop, Basket, and Order List. This tool is only available to Managers. ====Open Script Monitor==== 1. On the PPro8 toolbar, click **ScriptMonitor**. {{ :scr_mon_001.png?nolink |}} 2. The **Script Monitor** window appears. {{ :scr_mon_002.png?nolink |}} ====Script Monitor components==== The Script Monitor shows the following information for each script order: * **CltTm:** Client Time * **SrvTm:** Server Time * **St:** Script State * **Id:** Script ID * **Type** * **Desc:** Description * **Info:** Information * **OffId:** Office ID You can also filter scripts using regular expressions. To do so, simply right-click on an applicable column (**Script State**, **Script ID**, **Type**, **Description**, **Info**, or **Office ID**) to open the Alfa Regular Expression Filter window, click **Activate Filter For "[column name]"**, type a regular expression, and then click **OK**. The scripts will filter as needed. For more information about regular expressions, you can see this site: https://cs.lmu.edu/~ray/notes/regex/ * **New:** under the **FilterMode** column in the Alfa window, the following options are available for selection: * ShowMatchingRowOnly * HideMatchingRows * HighlightRowOnly * HighlightCellOnly ====Stop a script==== 1. Right-click the script order you want to stop. 2. In the menu that appears, click **Stop Script**. {{ :scr_mon_003.png?nolink |}} 3. The script is stopped. * To cancel an active script, click the script order row, and then press **Esc**. ====Save script information to clipboard==== * Right-click a cell or row, and then click **Copy Cell to Clipboard** or **Copy Row to Clipboard** to save to clipboard. {{ :scr_mon_004.png?nolink |}} ====Script Monitor Customization==== To make changes to Script Monitor settings, right-click in the Script Monitor, and then click the **ScriptMonitorCustomization Dialog** option to open the Script Monitor Customization window. This window displays two main tabs on the left: **Display** and **Color**. {{ :scr_mon_005.png?nolink |}} ===Display=== Use the Display window to adjust the display settings for the Script Monitor, using the two sub-tabs: Columns and Font. ==Columns== Use the Columns view to show, hide, or re-order columns for the Script Monitor. 1. In the Columns view, click an item in the **Unselected Columns** list. 2. Click the right arrow ( **>** ) button to move the item to the **Selected Columns** list. 3. For any column you wish to hide, click an item in the **Selected Columns** list, and then click the left arrow ( **<** ) button to move the item to the **Unselected Columns** list. 4. To re-order list items, click a list item, and then click the **Up** or **Down** button to move it higher or lower. 5. Click **OK**. 6. The Columns are configured in the Script Monitor according to your settings. ==Font== Use the Font view to set the overall font for the Script Monitor. 1. In the Display window, click the **Font** sub-tab. 2. The **Font** window appears. 3. Click **Set Font**. 4. The **Select Font** window appears. 5. Click the font, font style, size, effects, and writing system you want to set. 6. Click **OK** in both windows. 7. The new font appears in the Script Monitor. ===Color=== Use the Color window to adjust the color settings for the Script Monitor, using the Color Options sub-tab. {{ :scr_mon_006.png?nolink |}} ==Color Options== 1. Double-click the color boxes under the **Fore** (for foreground) and **Back** (for background) column headings for each script state you wish to highlight. 2. The **Color Selector** window appears. Click a color, and then click **OK**. 3. In the **Color Options** window, click **OK**. 4. The script color is set.