=====PPro8 Time of Sales===== The PPro8 Time of Sales (TOS) window displays an instrument's executions. ====Open a new Time of Sales window==== 1. On the PPro8 toolbar, click **TimeOfSale**. {{ :tos_001.png?nolink |}} 2. A **Time of Sales** window appears. {{ :tos_002.png?nolink |}} ====View TOS data in the Time of Sales window==== 1. Type the symbol in the field at the top left of the **Time of Sales** window (for example, BB). {{ :tos_003.png?nolink |}} 2. Press **Tab**. 3. Type or click the symbol’s market extension (for example, TO). {{ :tos_004.png?nolink |}} 4. Press **Enter**. 5. The **Time of Sales** window populates with data about the symbol. {{ :tos_005.png?nolink |}} The TOS window displays data in the following fields by default: * **Px (Price):** the price at which the trade occurred (denominated in local currency). * **Sz (Size):** the number of shares or contracts traded. * **Mkt. Ctr. (Market Center):** the exchange or ATS where the trade was executed. * **Tm (Time):** the time when the trade occurred. If added in Customization, the TOS window also displays data in the following fields: * **Tk (Tick):** the price up/down/neutral: * **U** = Uptick * **D** = Downtick * **N** = Neutral * **SbMkt (Submarket ID):** the ID of the submarket, if any. * **Sl.Cond. (Sale Condition):** the condition of the sale. ====Add a symbol to an existing symbol list==== You can use Time of Sales to add a currently registered symbol to an existing symbol list. This new feature integrates seamlessly with the __[[symbol_list_editor_tool|Symbol List Editor]]__ tool, as well as Stock Window, Chart Window, and Summary. 1. Right-click anywhere in the **Time of Sales** to open the context menu. {{sym_con_001.png?nolink}} 2. Point to the **Add Symbol to Symbol List** menu item. {{sym_con_002.png?nolink}} 3. The **Currently Selected Symbol List** view appears. Click **[Select A List]** to choose the symbol list where you want to add the current symbol, and then click the **Add Symbol** button. 4. The symbol is added to the symbol list. 5. To remove a symbol from the list, you will need to open the Symbol List Editor tool and delete it there. For more information, you can read the __[[symbol_list_editor_tool|Symbol List Editor]]__ manual. ====Time of Sales Window Customization==== To make changes to the **Time of Sales** window settings, right-click anywhere in the **Time of Sales**, and then click the **Customization Dialog** menu item to open the **Time of Sale Customization Window**. This window displays two main tabs on the left: **Display** and **Settings**. {{ :tos_006.png?nolink |}} ===Always on Top=== This feature will lock the Time of Sales Window at the highest priority of your screen, and as a result will not allow any other element to overlay above the Time of Sales Window. 1. Right click on the Time of Sales window, and select "**Customization Dialog**." {{ :tos_aot_01.png |}} 2. In the Display tab, select "**Window Always on Top**," ensuring the checkmark is visible. {{ :tos_aot_02.png |}} 3. Press "**Apply**," then press "**OK**." ===Autocomplete=== This feature allows PPro8 to provide a list of available symbols starting with a certain string pattern after you have entered at least one character into the Time of Sales Window. 1. Right click on the Time of Sales window, and select "**Customization Dialog**." {{ :tos_ac_01.png |}} 2. In the Display tab, select "**Autocomplete Symbol**," ensuring the checkmark is visible. {{ :tos_ac_02.png |}} 3. Press "**Apply**," then press "**OK**." ===Display=== Use the Display window to set the display settings for the Time of Sales window. * Click the **Display** tab to open the **Display** window. {{ :tos_007.png?nolink |}} The Display window contains four sub-tabs: View, Columns, Lines/Bars, and Group Link. {{ :tos_008.png?nolink |}} ==View== Use the View window to set Other Options. * Select the **Show level1 data** check box to show Level 1 (Lv1) quotes in the **Time of Sales** window. {{ :tos_021.png?nolink |}} ===Columns=== Use the Columns window to show or hide columns. 1. Click the **Columns** sub-tab in the **Display Window**. {{ :tos_022.png?nolink |}} 2. The **Columns** window appears. {{ :tos_023.png?nolink |}} ==Show a column in the Time of Sales window== 1. In the **Columns** window, click an item in the **Unselected items** list. {{ :tos_024.png?nolink |}} 2. Click the right arrow ( **>** ) to move the item to the **Selected items** list. 3. Click **OK**. 4. The item appears in the **Time of Sales** Window. ==Hide an item from the Time of Sales Window== 1. In the **Columns** window, click an item in the **Selected items** list. {{ :tos_027.png?nolink |}} 2. Click the left arrow ( **<** ) to move the item to the **Unselected items** list. 3. Click **OK**. 4. The item is hidden from the **Time of Sales** window. ===Lines/Bars=== Use the Lines/Bars window to show or hide the header, grid lines, scroll bars, and time (to the second). 1. Click the **Lines/Bars** sub-tab in the **Display** window. {{ :tos_030.png?nolink |}} 2. The **Lines/Bars** window appears. {{ :tos_031.png?nolink |}} Select or clear the check boxes under the **Header and Grid Settings**, **Time format**, and **Scroll Bars** headings to show or hide the various features. ===Group Link=== Use the Group Link window to link the Time of Sales window to other tools, such as the Stock Window and the Chart Window. 1. Click the **Group Link** sub-tab in the **Display** window. {{ :tos_032.png?nolink |}} 2. The **Group Link** window appears. {{ :tos_033.png?nolink |}} ==Link the Time of Sales window to other windows== 1. Select the **Link window to group number** check box. {{ :tos_034.png?nolink |}} 2. Type the number of the window you would like to link the **Time of Sales** window to. {{ :tos_035.png?nolink |}} 3. Click **OK**. {{ :tos_036.png?nolink |}} 4. After the link is applied, a symbol change in the **Time of Sales** window causes a change in the symbol and data of the linked window. {{ :tos_037.png?nolink |}} ===Settings=== Use the Settings window to customize how data is displayed in the Time of Sales window. * Click the **Settings** tab to open the **Settings** window. {{ :tos_038.png?nolink |}} The Settings window contains two sub-tabs: Color and Font. {{ :tos_039.png?nolink |}} ==Color== Use the Color window to set the colors for data, Level 1, and the header. 1. Click the **Color** sub-tab. {{ :tos_040.png?nolink |}} 2. The **Color** window appears. {{ :tos_041.png?nolink |}} **Set a color** 1. Double-click the color box next to a feature, for example, **Background color** under the **Data color options** heading. {{ :tos_042.png?nolink |}} 2. The **Color dialog** window appears. Click a color, and then click **OK**. {{ :tos_043.png?nolink |}} 3. In the **Color** window, click **OK**. {{ :tos_044.png?nolink |}} 4. The color is set. {{ :tos_045.png?nolink |}} ==Font== Use the Font window to set the overall font for the Stock Window. **Set a font for the Time of Sales window** 1. In the **Settings** window, click the **Font** sub-tab. {{ :tos_046.png?nolink |}} 2. The **Font** window appears. {{ :tos_047.png?nolink |}} 3. Click **Set Font...**. {{ :tos_048.png?nolink |}} 4. The **Select Font** window appears. {{ :tos_049.png?nolink |}} 5. Click the font, font style, size, effects, and writing system you want to set. Click **OK**. {{ :tos_050.png?nolink |}} 6. In the **Font** window, click **OK**. {{ :tos_051.png?nolink |}} 7. The new font appears in the **Time of Sales** window. {{ :tos_052.png?nolink |}} ====Alignment Editor and Filter Option==== Use the Alignment Editor and Filter Option to align columns to the left, center, or right, and to set a filter for the Time of Sales window. ===Align a column and activate a filter in the Time of Sales window=== 1. Right-click a column heading, such as **Price**, **Size**, or **Mkt. Ctr.**, in the Time of Sales window. 2. The Alignment Editor and Filter Option appear. {{ :tos_align_001.png?nolink |}} 3. In the Alignment section, click **Left**, **Center**, or **Right** to align the column left, center, or right. 4. Click **Activate filter for Price** to set the filter option. 5. Click a filter parameter option, type a value or values, and double-click the color boxes to set colors for the filter. **New:** under the **Filter Mode** section in the Alfa window, the following options are available for selection: * ShowMatchingRowOnly * HideMatchingRows * HighlightRowOnly * HighlightCellOnly 6. Click **OK**. 7. The column is aligned and the filter is activated for the column.