====== Deutsche Börse (Xetra) ====== Xetra is the primary equities market in the Deutsche Börse Group. [[http://www.xetra.com/xetra-en/ | Homepage]] Currency: Euro (EUR) [[http://www.xetra.com/xetra-en/newsroom/trading-calendar | Trading Calendar & Trading Hours]] ==== Order Types ==== * Limit Buy/Sell→ShortSell (Day/IOC) * Market Buy/Sell→ShortSell (Day) ==== Basic Market Rules ==== * Lot Size: 1 share (set to 100 shares in PPro8). * Tick Size: varies by price and security type, as defined on the [[https://www.xetra.com/xetra-en/trading/trading-models/trading-parameter-tick-size/Trading-Parameters-Tick-Sizes-26710 | Trading Parameters & Tick Sizes]] page. Tick sizes for most equities are as follows: ^ Price Range (Euro) ^ Tick Size (Euro) ^ | 0 to 9.999 | 0.001 | | 10 to 49.995 | 0.005 | | 50 to 99.99 | 0.01 | | 100 and greater | 0.05 | * Short Sale Rules: naked short selling is prohibited; locate is required. * Circuit Breakers: Xetra has [[https://www.xetra.com/xetra-en/trading/protective-mechanisms|protective mechanisms]] in place during the auction and continuous trading phases. ==== Auction Mechanisms ==== === Open === The opening auction occurs at 8:50. The mechanism is similar to the closing auction which follows call, price determination, and order execution phases. === Close === The closing price is defined by the following closing mechanism. **Auction** means an auction conducted in a trading platform with respect to qualifying orders pursuant to the following process: * a) Call Phase: all orders to be executed during the closing auction participate in the price determination, irrespective of time or size * b) Price determination occurs with all executable orders established during the call phase of the closing auction * c) All non-executed or partially executed market, limit, and market-to-limit orders with a limit assigned are transferred to the next trading day according to their validity * d) The closing auction price cannot be determined if there are no executable orders, in which case the best bid/ask limit is published **Auction Periods** 1. **Regular Trading Hours** (09:00 - 17:30) * Bids and offers tagged as "closing auction only" may be entered, amended, and cancelled until the end of day closing auction * Continuous trading occurs * No closing orders are matched 2. **Intraday Auction Times** * Stocks on the DAX and TecDax: 13:00 - 13:02 * Stocks on the MDAX and SDAX: 13:05 - 13:07 * STOXX, ETF/ETC/ETN: 13:10 - 13:12 * All other shares: 13:15 - 13:17 3. **Closing Auction** (17:30 - 17:34:45) * Bids, offers, and market orders may only be entered and not cancelled * No orders will be matched 4. **Uncross** (17:34:50) * Closing orders will be matched **Order Types:** Limit, Market, and Market-on-Close orders are eligible to participate during the closing auction. ===== See Also ===== * [[market_guides|Market Guides]]