Table of Contents

Irish Stock Exchange (ISE)

The Irish Stock Exchange is a global leader in the listing of debt and fund securities and is a European gateway exchange for companies seeking to access investors in Europe and beyond. With over 35,000 securities listed on its markets, the ISE is the exchange of choice for over 4,000 issuers from more than 85 countries to raise funds and access international investors.


Currency: Euro (EUR)

Trading Calendar

Order Types

Basic Market Rules

Price Range (Euro)Tick Size (Euro)
<=10 0.001
>10 and <=50 0.005
>50 and <=100 0.01
>100 0.05

For all symbols not in the ISEQ 20, tick size is 0.001.

Auction Periods

1. Opening Auction (07:50 - 08:00)

2. Closing Auction (16:28 - 16:29:45)

See Also