Table of Contents

LSE International Order Book (IOB)

The International Order Book of the London Stock Exchange allows investors to unlock the potential of some of the world’s fastest-growing markets through a single central electronic order book. It offers easy, cost-efficient, and direct access to securities via global depositary receipts (GDRs) from over 30 countries, including those in Central and Eastern Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. The market has grown rapidly since its inception in 2001, with Gazprom, Sberbank, and Lukoil being amongst the most heavily traded securities on the London Stock Exchange.

Note: Shanghai-London Stock Connect GDRs are traded on the IOB Shanghai Segment.


Currency: USD

Order Types

Basic Market Rules

Minimum Quantity at Touch

LSE has MQAT (Minimum Quantity At Touch) functionality operating on a number of non-FTSE350 sectors for equity securities on SETS (Electronic Trading System). MQAT is applied only on entry and not to orders that are already present on the order book. It does not apply during any auction phases.

Auction Mechanisms

The LSE auction mechanism is the same for the price monitoring auction (circuit breakers), opening auction, and closing auction.


The opening auction occurs at 08:00 and is preceded by a 10-minute order entry phase at 07:50 - 08:00. During the order entry phase, orders can be entered but will not be matched.


The closing price is defined by following the closing auction mechanism.

Auction means an auction conducted in a trading platform with respect to qualifying orders at the auction price pursuant to the following process:

The execution price for an auction will be the price that:

Auction Periods

1. Continuous Trading (08:00 - 12:00)

2. Intraday Auction (12:00:01 - 12:05)

3. Continuous Trading (12:05:01 - 16:30)

4. Closing Auction Call (16:30:01 - 16:34:30)

5. Closing Price Crossing Session (16:34:31 - 16:40:00)

Order Types: Market and Limit orders are eligible to participate in the closing auction.

See Also