Table of Contents

NYSE American

NYSE American is the leading capital market for small cap companies within NYSE Euronext.


Currency: US Dollar (USD)

Holidays and Trading Hours

Order Types

Note: not all order types are available for every gateway.

Basic Market Rules

The determination that the price of a stock is equal to or greater than $1 in b), or less than $1 in c), shall be based on the closing price on the previous trading day, or, if no closing price exists, the last sale reported to the Consolidated Tape on the previous trading day. See Rule 80C.

For more information, see the Rules and Interpretations page.

Auction Mechanisms

Open Timeline

7:30 am

8:30 am – 9:00 am

9:00 am – 9:20 am

9:20 am – 9:35 am or Open of each security whichever occurs first

9:30 am

Closing Order Types

Market on Close (MOC)

Limit on Close (LOC)

Closing Offset Order (CO)

Closing Timeline

3:00 pm

3:50 pm

4:00 pm

Financial News/Research

See Also