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PPro8 Settings

Use the PPro8 Settings tool to manage your layouts, and to switch between Light Theme and Dark Theme.

Manage Layouts

1. Arrange the various open PPro8 tool windows on your screen according to your preferences.

2. On the PPro8 toolbar, click Settings.

3. The Layout view appears.

4. In the Local section, click on the Make a Copy button.

5. The Layout Name window appears.

6. Type a unique name for your layout, or use the pre-filled name instead, and then click OK.

Note: only letters, numbers, and underscores can be used to name a layout. Spaces and other character types are not allowed.

7. The saved layout appears in the Available Layouts table and the layout name updates under the Currently Loaded Layout heading.

Layout view

Turn on Dark Theme

1. In the Settings window, click on the Display tab.

2. The Display view appears.

3. Click the Dark Theme option, and then click OK.

4. PPro8 changes to Dark Theme.

5. To switch back to Light Theme, open Display Settings again, click the Light Theme option, and then click OK.