Table of Contents

SIX Swiss Exchange

The SIX Swiss Exchange, based in Zurich, is Switzerland's principal stock exchange. SIX Swiss also trades other securities, such as Swiss government bonds, and derivatives, such as stock options.

The main stock market index for the SIX Swiss Exchange is the SMI, the Swiss Market Index. The index consists of the 20 most significant equity securities based on free-float market capitalization.

Orders on SIX Swiss are submitted to the Central Limit Order Book (CLOB) and matched in price-time priority. For more information, see the Trading Guides page.

Home Page

Currency: Swiss Franc (CHF)

Order Types

Basic Market Rules

Blue Chip Shares

Price Range (Euro) Tick Size (Euro)
0.0001 to 0.4999 0.0001
0.5 to 0.9995 0.0005
1 to 4.999 0.001
5 to 9.995 0.005
10 to 49.99 0.01
50 to 99.95 0.05
100 to 499.9 0.1
500 to 999.5 0.5
1,000 to 4,999 1
5,000 to 9,995 5
10,000 and greater 10

Mid/Small Cap Shares

Price Range (Euro) Tick Size (Euro)
0.01 to 9.99 0.01
10 to 99.95 0.05
100 to 249.9 0.1
250 to 499.75 0.25
500 to 999.5 0.5
1,000 to 4,999 1
5,000 and greater 5

For more information, see the Rule Book.

Auction Mechanisms


Opening is randomized to occur within 2 minutes of 9:00. The Open Auction can be delayed by 5–15 minutes if the theoretical opening price deviates sharply from the reference price, or if at the opening there are no quotes on the order book even though executable orders exist on both sides of the market. The same is done for the close.


The closing price is defined by the following auction mechanism:

Auction Periods

1. Continuous Trading (09:00 - 17:20)

2. Closing Auction (17:20 - 17:29:45)

3. Close (17:30)

Order Types: Limit, Market, and Market-on-Closes orders will be eligible to participate in the close.

For more information, see the Rule Book and On-order-book trading pages.

Financial News

Market Data

See Also