Table of Contents

Deutsche Börse (Xetra)

Xetra is the primary equities market in the Deutsche Börse Group.


Currency: Euro (EUR)

Trading Calendar & Trading Hours

Order Types

Basic Market Rules

Price Range (Euro) Tick Size (Euro)
0 to 9.999 0.001
10 to 49.995 0.005
50 to 99.99 0.01
100 and greater 0.05

Auction Mechanisms


The opening auction occurs at 8:50. The mechanism is similar to the closing auction which follows call, price determination, and order execution phases.


The closing price is defined by the following closing mechanism.

Auction means an auction conducted in a trading platform with respect to qualifying orders pursuant to the following process:

Auction Periods

1. Regular Trading Hours (09:00 - 17:30)

2. Intraday Auction Times

3. Closing Auction (17:30 - 17:34:45)

4. Uncross (17:34:50)

Order Types: Limit, Market, and Market-on-Close orders are eligible to participate during the closing auction.

See Also