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Japan Futures

The Osaka Exchange is the primary capital market in Japan and offers futures contracts in addition to equities trading.


Currency: JPY
Time Zone: UTC +09:00

Trading Hours


Mini Nikkei 225 Futures: contract size / BP = price * 100 JPY

Please make sure that you familiarize yourself with the expiration dates of the different contracts and the universal month codes for them. The month codes to denote contract expiration months are universal, and can be found on the Month Codes page.

The symbology format is as follows:



XXX: 2–5 character Japan Futures product code, e.g., NK225
M: month code, e.g., H
YY: year code (last two digits of the year), e.g., 17

For example, the Nikkei 225 Futures contract expiring in March 2017, would be: NK225\H17

Note: the regular trading session ends at 15:10, and the closing auction takes place at 15:15.

For more information, see the Derivatives page.

Lit Order Types

  • Limit Order
  • Market Order

Basic Market Rules

  • Lot Size: 1 contract.
  • Tick Size: varies by contract.
  • Short Sale Rules: short selling is allowed, and no mark or locates are required for shorting.

See Also

japan_futures.1486585615.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/02/08 15:26 by maya