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PPro8 Settings

Use the PPro8 Settings tool to manage your layouts, and to switch between Light Theme and Dark Theme.

Manage Layouts

Note: in the past, layouts used to be saved to the /PPro8Client/UserID/Environment folder. With the new client release, layout files will be saved to the /PPro8Client/UserID/Environment/LayoutName folder.

New: you can copy layouts from the previous PPro8 Lanu client to the new PPro8 Manti client. As soon as you log in to Manti for the first time, the client will automatically move all xml files located at /PPro8Client/UserID/Environment to a new folder at /PPro8Client/UserID/Environment/Lanu_Layout. However, this will only happen if you copy the Lanu xml files before you log in for the first time. Because if you log in first, a default layout will be downloaded from the server, and the client will not transfer the Lanu xmls automatically.

1. Arrange the various open PPro8 tool windows on your screen according to your preferences.

2. On the PPro8 toolbar, click Settings.

3. The Layout view appears.

4. In the Local section, click on the Save Layout as button.

5. The Layout Name window appears.

6. Type a unique name for your layout, or use the pre-filled name instead, and then click OK.

7. The saved layout appears in the Available Layouts table and the layout name updates under the Currently Loaded Layout heading.


  • You can create multiple layouts if you wish by rearranging your PPro8 windows and saving in Layout Settings.
  • You can easily switch between different layouts by selecting your chosen layout, and then clicking the Load Selected in PPro8 button.
  • You can delete an unwanted layout by selecting it, and then clicking the Delete Selected Layout button.
  • You can use the Load Default and Save As Default buttons to load the default layout or save the current layout as the default, respectively.
  • New: you can now save layouts to the Cloud. This means that you can save layouts, and retrieve them, from our secure dedicated data centers. Making it easier and more convenient for you to create and manage your PPro8 layouts.
    • In the Cloud section, click the Push to the Cloud button to upload all local layout changes to the Cloud. Click the Retrieve from the Cloud button to download all layout information from the Cloud, which will overwrite any locally made changes to the layout.

Turn on Dark Theme

1. In the Settings window, click on the Display tab.

2. The Display view appears.

3. Click the Dark Theme option, and then click OK.

4. PPro8 changes to Dark Theme.

5. To switch back to Light Theme, open Display Settings again, click the Light Theme option, and then click OK.

settings_tool.1598469817.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/08/26 15:23 by maya